Make it Big Conference 2020 Update
Take the “Make it Big” branding, which proved to be successful attracting traffic, and push it forward to become the foundation for the BigCommerce’s 2020 ecommerce conference identity. Also, oversee all video production from pre through post promotions and remote interview session capture.
The goal was to attract high-end clients and standout in a growing landscape of completely virtual events. The 2020 Make it Big Conference marked the third ideation of this content heavy, lead generating event. I oversaw all of the main visual concepts and content production for remote speaker sessions, digital promotional materials, while coordinating with multiple project managers and team leaders over seven months. The updated look and feel was established by our brand team and was applied to final assets. We kept the primary BigCommerce brand color, and created a look that elevated more specific event awareness. The result, doubled the expected KPIs and triple the numbers of views compared to previous years.

Building and Developing an Engaged Customer Community | Jaclyn Johnson, Create & Cultivate